Few days remaining in FCI Helwan, we spent there about 32 month, we met persons, collected memories and faced situations that left deep influence on our personalities, attitudes and orientations.
At the end of these 4 years, sure everyone formed his own experience, I thought why we don't share these experiences about this common station in our life.
I’ll start by asking some questions, answer them and tag next FCI bolgger, anyone get tagged can add anymore questions, but don’t remove existing ones, let’s start:
List five things you learnt in FCI –not Technical :D-??
* et3almt ma7komsh 3ala 7ad 2abl ma3rafo kowyess.
* al-nas alkowyessen kteeeeeeeer gedan bas e7na elly bnkasl ndawar.
* et3almt en naga7i hwa bnaga7 ala7’reen , wa en maynfa3sh wa7d ynga7 lwa7do
* en a3zam ensan hwa elly ysa3d 3’ero bdon mayntazer mokabl.
* et3alemt en almasla7a la tadom, wa en elly bydom hy alnya alsafya wa alkelma altayba.
Five things you will miss in FCI?* Dof3eti kolaha CS & IS [2003-2007]
* So7abi - elly lehom gesh bas :P -
* al ping pong :D
* ayam almashare3.
* Stuff altadres – a3’labhom ya3ni :D- wa asdeka2y min aldof3at altanya.
Best day in FCI Helwan?- homa kteer gedan 3awzen ketab 3alshan atkalm 3anhom, bas agmal yom fe3lan
el-Fetar algama3y fi Ramadan, da 3’er
yom almatch wa
alyom althakafi wa
alre7alat wa 3’erhom.
Worst day?- yom alwada3 :(
Best week?- Cultural week 2006 & 2007
Best doctor, course, book, project?- Dr Mohamed Bilal, OS I, Computer System Architecture, Battle of tanks –Graphics-
Worst doctor, course, book, project?
- You know who :D, Multimedia, AI, OS II.
Best instructor?- actually most of our instructors were great, but I’ll always remember Mr. Ayman Ezzat, Amr Ghonem, Ehab El-Gendy, i owe for them with much.
Best situation?- it was a very sad situation but I recognized how true friends I have, it was when Mohamed nabil’s mother passed away.
Did you meet your sweet-half in FCI?
- not yet :D.
Did you regret for knowing someone in FCI?- Never, al3aks ana ndemt eny ma3reftsh everyone in FCI well.
What was your favorite place in the faculty?- maktab r3ayit alshabab, i spent there almost 40% of total time in the faculty.
What is the size of our digital photos on your hard disk?- 3.2 Gigabyte, -and looking for more..-
What will you do in the last day?- I’ll try not to cry :(, and I wont leave the faculty till they close it.
What would you like to say to dof3tnaa?
- bgad hatw7shony 2awy :(, w yarab net2abl fil7'er dayman wa filgana game3an isA, wa a7’r 7aga don’t forget dof3et [2003-2007] keep them in your memories till the end.
What would you like to say to other grades -aldof3at altanya- ??
- Enjoy Every Nanosecond in the faculty, al2ayam de matet3awadsh.
I'd like to tag Futex,
Nabil and they continue.